At DreamTeam, we want to give the most accurate ratings we possibly can, so we focus on the stats that matter when it comes to skill level. As more and more trackers become available, we’ll include others that have a substantial impact on skill level, like wins per match. Without going into the formula in too much detail, here are some of the more important things that go into figuring out who’s №1. 

Damage – This stat is critical in determining many different factors. If you’re doing tons of damage but your teammates are last-hitting your enemies, you shouldn’t be punished for that. With our rating, putting up high damage numbers per game will help push you to the top. 

Kills  – Although damage is important, the ultimate goal of the game is to kill all the other players in the game. So, “kills” has to go into figuring out where you stand. The logic works when you consider that in the majority of games where a person has a significant number of kills, his damage numbers are high and his team finishes relatively high. 

Experience – Your level is always calculated, without even needing to equip a tracker. The fact that this variable is constantly updated and that there is, generally, an increase in skill with experience, has led DreamTeam to include it in our Rating calculation. Its weight is considerably less in the formula as a level 50 player who’s playing their first shooter may not be as good at Apex as a veteran of FPS games who just installed the game a few days ago. For your Rating to be accurate but also give you an early idea of where you stand, you must play at least 5 matches. 

The more trackers you have equipped and the more matches you have played, the more accurately your DreamTeam Rating will reflect your real skill level.  Kills, damage, and matches played are the trackers that players need to equip on their legends to get the most accurate Rating possible.

It’s important to note that your rating can fluctuate, as it’s not only based off of your performance but how every other registered DreamTeam user is doing. This is done so that players know when they need to step up their game to get back to the top.